The mornings, though, are bitter, and the icy wind bites at me and my sister on our morning jogs. So, here are a few of my favorite things about cooler weather. These are things that I'm really looking forward to.
• The way that a warm bed feels like the most wonderful place in the world.
• Hot cocoa with mini marshmallows
• Slippers! Especially colorful ones. I may need to go shopping.
• Boots - especially really cute ones. I definitely need to go shopping.
• Wrapping up in a warm blanket, turning down the lights and watching a movie.
• Wrapping up in a warm blanket, keeping on the lights and reading a great book.
• Soup and Stew.
• Lighting candles. I feel like candles are a very "Christmas-time" tradition, so I rarely light candles in the summer. Only for birthdays, and those are totally a different kind of candle.
• When my nephew yells "Hey! I see my breath!"
• The awesome carolers who come by at Christmastime to my sister's neighborhood. We just discovered them for the first time last year. How we've been missing out!
• Crock-pot cooking
• Mittens, hats and homemade scarves.
• Cold weather is always a good excuse to buy more cardigans. And you can always use more cardigans.
Almost makes me like winter.