My Bible study group has started a new study. The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren. I know MANY churches went through this study a couple of years ago. I somehow missed out on that and never had the opportunity to go through the study. Looking back now, I realize that it was not the right time for me. Lately, I have been searching. Searching for purpose, searching for meaning in my everyday life. Most of the time I just feel very lost and this can get very discouraging.
So when this book was considered for our group, I was very excited. I got a little behind on the reading the first week (because of traumatic home events), but I will get back on track.
What I have read so far has been amazing. It speaks directly to me and my struggles.
One sobering idea in the book is "It is NOT about YOU." Society as a whole is very selfish and narcissitic. It is easy to get caught up in this trend and look for self fulfillment in YOURSELF. Everytime I try to find purpose within myself, I fail.
I almost feel stupid for JUST realizing this, but.....baby steps, you know?! I will get there, slowly but surely.
Another idea from the book that is humbling: "God created you for a purpose. He knows your entire life before you were even BORN." It is incomprehensible to fathom that God knew me before I was born. How can you not find joy and love in this simple fact? He knew me, He loves me.
I am really excited to continue the journey through The Purpose Driven Life.
Have you studied The Purpose Driven Life? What are your thoughts?
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