Some call it a Bucket List. Some call it a Resolution. Some just call it a To Do List. The list I keep in my wallet is simply titled Plans.
It's my list of things I'd like to do. One is for the upcoming year, and one is for life.
Jennie has a great list and she keeps it pretty up-to-date. Maybe we can get her to post hers here.
My list for 2010 is a good one. I got a lot of advice when I started making resolutions this year, and luckily I didn't listen to any of it. People tried to tell me that I should only make three or four resolutions. They tried to tell me that I wouldn't get anything done past March. They tried to tell me not to be vague, and not to be too specific (thanks? for that?). Well, I've been able to mark things off my list, such as: "Travel somewhere awesome" (New Orleans), "Double $$ from freelance projects over last year", "Take a writing class", and I'm working on " Read Fearless with my girlfriends" (and the rest of the resolutions for the year).
My "Plans" list is a little more... awesome. I have the 3 tennis grand slams that I would love to see (checked off is the Australian Open), plus "See Federer play". I hold my breath every year to make sure he doesn't retire before I get to see him play in person. I've been able to check off "Get a bike" and "Get a new computer" -- hmmmm...maybe I need to add: Ride my bike. Trips I want to take: Alaska and Vancouver. Go on a missions trip. Get a trip paid for by writing. Can you tell I'm really into travel?
What are some of the things on your list?

A few things I have on my list are to: get a job, take trips just because I can, and become hardcore (this IS really a prayer of mine).