How pristine! How relaxing! How empty and secluded!
How ... boring.

There's a big debate happening within my family, and it concerns our family vacation. Every year, my amazingly generous parents rent a beach house and invite, me, my sister (and her family), and my brother to spend a glorious week in the sun. It's calm and quiet. So, since my parents are so generous, what could I possibly have to complain about? Well, I'll tell you...
My brother and I are not beach people. When we plan our own vacations (often, we even vacation together), we are city explorers, or wilderness adventurers. If there's a beach involved, it's camping, or 4-wheeling, or sailing to an unknown beach. There's snorkeling in crazy places. And always, always, there's some awesome city next to the beach. So, like I told my parents, I can do the beach. But it's not the beach that we go to.
My sister and her family, as well as my father looooove the beach. They want to sit on the beach all day and read a book. Maybe get up and go in the ocean. Unfortunately for my fair-skinned brother and me, that's physically impossible. We tend to get sunburned on the first or second day at the beach, and spend the rest of the time miserable. And, I read. A lot. In my normal life. So... I don't need to go to the beach and read.
So my parents have given whiny me and my confrontational brother the opportunity to plan next year's family vacation. But it has to be something my father wants to do (that's the catch). Any ideas? Something family, something relaxing, something for old people and young people...something not super expensive.

I'm sorry, that's way too many requirements... I'll be thinking about this. Because I want it to be great so that there is not some great split in your family regarding where to vacation
ReplyDeleteAnd, for the record, that picture is beautiful. I'm not a robot. it's gorgeous.