Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Texts from My Mother

I once read a text from my mom out loud (to try to understand it... she had written out the word question because she couldn't find the question mark.... so: "where is tennis question") and someone said to me, "Your mom texts?"
Yes. Yes she does. And her texts are like... well, like haikus.
Or telegrams.
I've deleted some of the best, but here are a couple of from this past weekend. Things to know:
*My mother is a stickler for proper punctuation (like mother, like daughter!), so although she can't find the apostrophe on her cell phone, she refuses to type the words without something denoting the break in the words.
*She's still working on getting a strong understanding of txt msg abbreviations.
*I have no idea who E is.

Here's the text:
raining here. Hope
you,re having
better weather.
can,t wait 2 hear.

The next day:
How,s tn? hope
you,re having fun.
will u b able to have 
dinner w us mon.
c u soon.

Gotta love it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Neglectful Blogger

A couple of things have been happening lately that have made me a neglectful blogger. But... it's okay, right? Because I'm doing productive things...
But here's what's happening in life:


(kind of.)
Jennie, Katie of-the-family-we-adore and I are holding a benefit for charity: water.
It will be the most amazing of all concerts and a silent auction that will make you want to throw money at the artists. Seriously. I've seen the paintings we've received so far, and I'm trying to figure out what to sell so I can bid on them.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I am proud to announce the birth of my first NEPHEW!

Colten Miller
8 lbs. 3 oz.
21 inches long
He is beautifully perfect and cuddly. God knew I needed a cuddly nephew :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Lent Season

I asked on my facebook status yesterday what people were giving up for Lent and what suggestions they might have for me. Here's what folks answered:
Carbs :( Yeah, the sad face was included in the post, and for good reason. Giving up carbs is NO FUN.
Chocolate was suggested to me by none other than our very own Jennie Waller, who obviously knows nothing of me if she thinks I can sustain a 40-day period without chocolate. (I'm drinking hot cocoa as I write this)
Soda, fried food, cursing, drinking & texting while driving. Uh, wow. Either this person has a lot of vices, or thinks that I do. I kid, I kid!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Oscars, A Week Later

So, the big question for the evening at the Clack's annual Academy Awards Party was: Is Oscar naked?
Is he nude and weirdly missing his God-given parts, like a Ken doll? Or is he wearing a bodysuit (a gorgeous gold lame one!)?
Either way: I went to my FOURTH Clack Academy Awards Party this year. It boggles my mind that it was my fourth year, but it was.
My dates for the year were Ed Norton and Marky Mark Wahlberg. Jennie's date was Joseph Gordon-Levitt (I didn't see him all night, though!). Other dates of the evening:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It literally rained...

So there we were, getting ready for the benefit concert at The Channel -- the concert that would fight to keep the doors open to our favorite place in downtown, and the skies opened up.
And my first thought was, "Oh, no... this will keep people away!"
The Channel is a family-oriented, Christ-centered music venue downtown that features local bands, as well as major names in the music industry, and Jennie and I have been blessed to be volunteers there for a few years.
And, uh, we've written about it ... a few times.